Camping Registration
Capital Area Sportsmen’s League has graciously allowed us to offer rustic camping at this year’s MYSC event. Rustic Camping does not include electrical or water hookups.
The following requirements are necessary to be compliant with the State of Michigan DEQ and Berry-Eaton District Health Department’s ‘License to Operate a Temporary Campground in Michigan’.
Each site:
must be marked and at least 1200 ft2 in size
can have up to eight (8) individuals
can have no more than one RV/trailer and one tent (multiple tents without an RV/trailer are allowed)
Campers will be required to pay a $50 fee/site for the entire weekend, whether staying for one or two nights. The camping fee is necessary to cover the cost of the campground license and privies. When you arrive for the event, all campers must check in with the campsite director BEFORE setting up on a site.
Camping Registration Payment:
One Camping Unit includes one or two nights for the weekend. ($50) *You may combine camping registration payments into one check.
Make your check/money order payable to MYSC and note ‘Camping’ in the memo.
Complete the form below or download and mail the camping registration form along with your payment to:
PO BOX 311
Carson City, MI 48811